The Choices we Make
A series on the Seven Deadly Sins
The Choices We Make
Encaustic Composite Photography series based on the Seven Deadly Sins; Wrath, Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, Pride and Lust. This series is centered around the choices we make and how they impact our lives and the lives of those around us. This is loosely based on Christianity’s’ Seven Deadly Sins, and not intended to be theological expressions of the sins. This series was created by using multiple photographs that I took of models, props and textures, carefully blended together to create individual stages where the scenes play out. I used encaustic wax to add texture and dimension, complementing the concept of messy when it comes to the choices we make. This series was a feature show inside The Vault at Artel in Pensacola, Florida in 2019. The full series was sold to a collector in 2022.
Thank you for taking the time to check out this series of work.
The Unwatered Garden
The Unwatered Garden is one of the two versions of Sloth that I chose to create, because I view Sloth as having two kinds of reasoning:
1. Laziness from lack of motivation or desire, and 2. Laziness caused by depression. One is a choice, one is physical ailment backed by choice. The Unwatered Garden is about laziness by choice, unfulfilled potential, ignored love and wasted time.
The High Horse by Pride
It was Pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels. - St. Augustine
Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.
Over Indulgence by Gluttony
Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.
The Void by Lust
The Void by Lust explores, to me, the nature in which our modern culture devalues the body by placing more value in it’s ability to be sexualized for material profit. Women in today’s western culture, as well as evidenced throughout history, grow up being taught that our personal value and relationships are physical transactions to be made. We forget that we, as women, give away parts of ourselves mentally with every transaction of our body. Lust explores the emotional depths of our mental wellbeing after every transaction that doesn’t result in the desired connection we so abundantly crave. We are more than our bodies.
*Please note that this is not a condemnation of any kind of lifestyle, but simply an exploration of the mental wellbeing of being a sexual woman.
Prison of My Own by Greed
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed. - Mahatma Gandhi
Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. Greed, when ignoring your spiritual wellbeing, becomes all consuming, swallowing you whole or sometimes even piece by piece until nothing of real substance is left.
*Warning: Sensitive and disturbing artwork to follow.*
The Rumormill by Wrath
The Rumormill by Wrath is intentionally disturbing. Rumormill was created specifically to showcase the effect that other people’s sins have on your wellbeing. Sometimes, the bad things that happen are of no fault of your own. Sometimes, it’s other people’s sins that bring you down, and other people’s actions that make your life harder. My advice is to remove your time from those who harm you, and find people who will show kindness and support you.
Speak Kindly of others, or not at all. Do kindness unto others, or not at all.
Ask for help.
Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255
The Backstabber by Envy
He who envies others does not achieve peace. - Buddha
Envy is another piece showcasing the effects of other people’s sins upon us. Rather than my character being envious, she is envied, and thus, attacked for her fortune in life. We are naturally envious of others. Life is not, and never will be, doled out equally. Not at the beginning, and not at the end. The best thing we can do is to work hard to grow, but acting envious not only steals wellbeing from others but also further disturbs our own health.
The Weak Mind by Sloth
One of the hardest habits to break are those which our minds imprison us in. Depression is defined as feelings of severe despondency and dejection. I’d describe it as a heavy black mass that is also void of all weight, like a black hole, and hard to escape. Depression is something that also creates sloth-like behaviors, even though it’s of no real fault of your own.