‘Each one of us should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.’ 1 Peter 4:10

I feel that God’s call on my heart is to create art that serves others. In order to fulfil my calling, I focus on art and projects that speak to people’s souls, giving them a stepping stone to healing and encouraging them to become the best versions of themselves they can be.

Below are a few of my current projects, some future projects and causes I support that I feel also serve god’s calling. Please consider becoming a ‘seedling’ and supporting work you’d like to see come to life and serve those around us.


The Healing work art deck is a healing tool of my own design. in the works since 2023, i’m expecting completion by early fall of 2024. It’s Intent is to use my art to give you guidance and insight into subjects like attachment styles, love languages, practicing gratitude, recognising abusive behaviours, and more. the more you learn about yourself, the more opportunity you have with interacting with the world in a healthier way.

You can pre-order the deck in various packages. once the first 100 decks are printed and delivered, my Project will go onto kickstarter for a wider and more detailed version #2. Become a ‘Seedling supporter’ today!


Forty-five minutes of creative activity significantly decreases stress in the body, regardless of artistic experience or talent.

I am developing small group workshops that will teach creative self-development, wellness and self-care. One will be general knowledge, and the other will have a focus on healing through divorce/abuse. I am working on offering these as a small group through my church for free to anyone who wants to do the healing work.

In order to cover expenses for these workshops and to build up community, I am asking for support through donations Here.


Some projects require additional up front expenses, such as Specific supplies. Supporting one of these projects listed below helps me bring them to life, and you Receive a special gift featuring the artwork you’ve supported upon it’s completion. Please consider helping me bring these projects to life.